By: Meredith Bahuriak, Barbizon International

Rebecca Live graduated from Barbizon USA in the spring of 2016. Currently, she works as a freelance fashion model in the Las Vegas area. In August 2017, she received her first big break in the industry when she was published in Surreal Beauty Magazine. Rebecca reached out to thank Barbizon for helping her understand the modeling industry and break-out of her comfort zone, so we sat down with her to learn more about her Barbizon experience and how it feels to be published for the first time.


What was your first step after graduating Barbizon?rl6
My first step after graduating Barbizon was to discover and get in touch with local artists – such as photographers, MUA, and hair artists – and attempt to work together and create some awesome prints. I was not yet confident in jumping straight to an agency, but rather I took my time to practice head shots and different types of photo shoots I would be interested in. By doing this and meeting several local photographers, I truly discovered that it’s not WHAT you know, but WHO you know; and that is how I made it in my first publication – Surreal Beauty Magazine.

One month later, I received an email from the Las Vegas El Tiempo newspaper asking me to be part of their inaugural Miss El Tiempo beauty pageant! Miss El Tiempo is a preliminary competition to the Miss Nevada stage. Having never been in a pageant before I was hesitant. But I knew this would be just another new and exciting open door for me. Miss El Tiempo was held on October 7th, and I placed 4th among ten other contestants. An incredible score for this having  been my first competition!

What is the most valuable thing you gained from your Barbizon experience?
The most valuable thing I have gained from my Barbizon experience would definitely be the knowledge to be versatile. It will not be easy searching for work if you solely have one “look” or “style” in every image. Publications and photographers want a model that can display several different moods and characteristics in a photo shoot. The more creative you are, the better representation and call-backs you will have.

rl1Being published in Surreal Beauty Magazine this August is a big leap ahead in your modeling career, what does it feel like to see yourself in publication?
It is an absolute dream come true! I graduated Barbizon in Spring of ‘16, didn’t start doing freelance modeling until April ‘17 and only four months later I make my first publication?! Now THAT’S so surreal! Not many models who begin a career like this are that lucky, and it goes to show that networking is so important in this industry. It feels absolutely incredible and I cannot wait to see what else my future has in store.

What are your goals for the future?
My goal as of right now is to complete school at the College of Southern Nevada while still continuing to freelance model. My ultimate dream is to become both a fashion and commercial model.

Let’s talk about fashion, how would you describe your style?
I absolutely love anything that involves a floral pattern – you will almost always find me something floral. My fashion motto (although I don’t take credit for it) is “dress for success.” This mentality follows me everywhere I go. I love dressing up elegantly and finding new ways to flatter my body and change up my wardrobe.

Any secret beauty tips? For auditions, model calls, or just every day?

  • It is never too early to invest in eye cream!
  • Apply warm, damp green tea bags under your eyes to reduce bags.
  • Stay hydrated (and no, that does not mean soda!)
  • Happiness is the key to looking ageless.


Any advice for Barbizon alumni pursuing a career in the modeling and entertainment industry?
Keep pushing forward. If this is a dream you’ve been striving for, your moment will come. Keep networking, keep communicating, display a positive attitude, and do not let your dream fly by! Your time will come knocking when you least expect it.

