Author Archives: Barbizon

Creating Your Modeling Portfolio

Model books are essentially a graphic resume showing work that you have done for various clients. They are also a great way to show potential clients your versatility as a model. Remember, that portfolios are not a photo album of different photo shoots and...

Barbizon’s Roots

 By: Jamie Rothberg   Where Barbizon Started Barbizon was founded in 1939 and was originally known as a “charm school.” The first school was located on the fashion famous 5th Avenue in New York City. Quickly, Barbizon gained popularity and women migrated to this...

Be Ready When You Find THE Role

 \r\n By: Kristina Anderson, Barbizon International \r\n One of the most important things you can do as a new actor or actress is absorb as much experience as you can and take advantage of every learning opportunity that comes your way. As you navigate...