Author Archives: Barbizon

Make The Most Of Your Search For A Modeling Agent/Manager

 \r\n By: Kristina Anderson, Barbizon International \r\nGetting signed with an agency and finding the right manager are important steps to getting started in your modeling career. There are two important things you should remember when you are submitting your pictures to an agency or attending...

Tips For Keeping An Audition Notebook

  By: Kristina Anderson, Barbizon International Have you ever kept a journal to keep track of important things that happen during your day? Something most actors should consider is creating an audition journal. New actors can benefit from keeping an audition notebook to keep a record of the things they do...

How Much Travel Is Really Involved In Modeling?

 \r\n By: Kristina Anderson, Barbizon International \r\nIf you are new to the modeling industry, you probably have a lot of questions about what modeling is really like and how working in the industry might impact your current lifestyle. Location questions specifically are top of mind for new models who...