Prom Style: The Colorful Prom Look
Are you ready for prom? We have a few fashion ideas for your prom ensemble. If you want to add a big splash of color to your prom look, here are a few cute ideas we fell in love with! Want to learn more...
Are you ready for prom? We have a few fashion ideas for your prom ensemble. If you want to add a big splash of color to your prom look, here are a few cute ideas we fell in love with! Want to learn more...
By: Kristina Anderson, Barbizon International Nothing comes for free. You won’t get everything handed to you just because you want it. Sorry, but it’s true. Success comes at a price and that price is hard work. It may sound cliche but it’s...
By: Meredith Bahuriak, Barbizon International Barbizon Illinois grad, Carolina Davis is a classically trained R&B / Soul / Pop Singer / Songwriter / Composer from Chicago, IL. As a person who kept to herself growing up, Carolina found music to be a...