Author Archives: Barbizon

The Importance of Communication

   By: David Wooddell, Barbizon USA Communication. This is one of the most important skills you can possess while working in the entertainment industry. And this is not dissimilar to many corporate cultures in the modern era. We work in a very fast-paced environment....

5 Things Not To Do If You Are New To Modeling

   By: Kristina Anderson, Barbizon International Everyone has to start somewhere and getting started modeling is no exception. While it’s ok to make mistakes as you learn what it means to be a professional model, it is always a good idea to do your research...

Resumes: Your Guide to Success

  By: David Wooddell, Barbizon USA An actor’s resume, along with a headshot, is an actor’s first introduction and a major selling point to casting directors. Your resume can showcase all of your on-set experience and training. You can also showcase your statistics, special...