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Trusted Casting Websites

   By: David Wooddell, Barbizon USA   If you’re an aspiring actor, you’ve probably signed up for every casting website you can find. With technology, you never know which sites you can trust. During my management days, there were three standard websites I required...

A Day in the Life of a Casting Director

 By: David Wooddell, Barbizon USA Casting directors have a very crucial job in the entertainment industry; they screen all of the talent that agents, managers and sometimes clients themselves submit for consideration on a project. This could be a project for television, film, stage...

Makeup Tutorial: Glam Prom Makeup

Get ready for prom with this ultra-glamorous makeup routine! Barbizon makeup expert Kim shows you how to do a perfect smokey eye, apply false lashes and balance the look with a natural lip.